Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) job exam date has been fixed. So Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) exam admit card is also available to download. So after applied according to DTE job circular, candidates are waiting for DTE job exam for various vacant posts. As the exam date, seat plan and admit card has published by the DTE authority, so we are including all the information according to the last DTE exam date and admitcard notice.
Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Job Exam
The Department of Technical Education (DTE) had issued a notification for filling the required vacancies in their organization. According to the DTE Job notification, interested candidates from all districts of the country applied. Since the number of applications from DTE Job vacant posts has been much higher. So the Department of Technical Education (DTE) is following a few steps to select eligible candidates. MCQ test for DTE exam is one of them. Because through the DTE MCQ exam, out of a large number of candidates, only a few meritorious candidates can be selected. If required, DTE Job written test, in case of special need, DTE Job viva, the required qualified DTE candidates will be selected. So the Department of Technical Education (DTE) verifies, selects and then offers the job to their job candidates by taking the DTE exam in the required manner.
Categories & Vacancy List For DTE Job Exam
DTE has published a job circular with huge vacant posts. According to the DTE Job Circular, there have category wise post name and vacant posts number individually. So, the categories & vacancy List for DTE exam is given below.
DTER Vacant Posts
- Craft Instructor (Shop): 1057
- Craft Instructor (TR/Electronics/Tech): 1019
- Craft Instructor (Tech/Lab): 1057
DTEV Vacant Posts 312
- Office Shohayak
- Office Shohayok / Security Guard
DTE Exam Date
The Department of Technical Education (DTE) last published the recruitment notification on 3 May 2021. The examination date has been fixed for the DTE recruitment circular. The DTE exam date is being delayed due to various reasons. The date of examination of the Department of Technical Education (DTE) as per the present notice is given below.
DTEV Vocational Department Exam Date and Time: Saturday, 12 June 2021 at 10:00 AM.
Note: Upcoming written examination date 12 June, 2021 of 312 posts ( grade 20, two categories) under Directorate of Technical Education in Technical School and Colleges is adjourned. Changed date and time will be informed next time.
DTE Admit Card Download
With the announcement of the date of examination by the Department of Technical Education (DTE), the option to download the admit card has been opened. Before the DTE exam day, every candidates can download the DTE admit card. To download DTE Admit, you need to visit the official website of Department of Technical Education. Since admit card is required for DTE exam. So, how to download DTE Admit Card is given below step by step.
- Visit the DTE admit card download page.
- Type and submit your user id and password as per you got an SMS after applied the job application.
- If the DTE admit card is available, you will get the DTE admit card download option.
- Print the DTE admit card.
Note: DTE exam seat plan, exam center, date and time will include in admit card.
Get admit card from which circular you have applied for.
DTEV Admit Card Download DTER Admit Card Download DTE Admit Card DownloadHow Can You Find The Latest Exam Date & Admit Card For DTE Exam?
You might face DTE exam date postponed issue in future because of lockdown problem, or any other. So how will you know that the latest information or news about DTE exam date and admitcard? The only trustable source is to follow the DTE official website. Because all of the news and notice is published in