A dining table is a good addition to any home, whether you are using it for formal dinners or just family get-together. There are many different types of dining tables to choose from, and each one can add unique character and flair to your home. Here are some reasons why a dining table is a good choice for your home. In this post, we’re going to publish dining table price in Bangladesh.
[Ads]Dinning Table is not only used in restaurants, but can also be found in homes. The main purpose of a dining table is to provide a place to eat. It should be large enough to accommodate all of the people who will be eating at it and it should have plenty of space for plates, glasses, and food. A good dining table should also be comfortable to sit at and look good too.
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Why Dinning Table is Getting Popular in Market
Dining tables are becoming increasingly popular because they are versatile and can be used in many different settings. They make great additions to any home, whether you live in a small apartment or have a large family room. Dining tables can also be used as extra seating for larger events like weddings or parties. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you can find the perfect one for your home.
- Dinning tables are becoming more popular, both in homes and restaurants, for a variety of reasons. They’re versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes, from feeding a small group to hosting a large party.
- They’re also becoming more affordable, which makes them an attractive option for people who want to add a unique dining space or upgrade their existing one.
- In addition, many people love the look and feel of a dining table, which is why they’re often chosen as the focal point of a room.
- Finally, dinning tables make it easy to serve food and drinks without having to worry about dishes or glasses getting messy.
Advantage of Using Dinning Table in Home
Dinning tables are a versatile piece of furniture that can be used in many different settings. They can be used in a home as a spot to eat dinner, in an office as a conference table, or in any other place where seating is needed. There are many advantages to using a dining table in particular situations.
[Ads]One advantage of using a dining table is that it is more comfortable than sitting on the floor. Sitting at a dining table allows people to interact with each other more easily and also allows them to have more space for meals. Another advantage of using a dining table is that it can be used for larger groups. A dining table can seat up to eight people, which is more than enough capacity for most families.
In addition to these benefits, there are several disadvantages to not using a dining table.
[Ads]Dining Table Price in Bangladesh Today 4 March 2025
Bangladesh is a country with an abundance of rice and wheat. In the past, rice was the staple food for the people of Bangladesh. However, over time, rice consumption has declined in favor of other types of food. One reason for this is the increasing popularity of international cuisine in Bangladeshi restaurants.
Model | Price |
Double Top Round Dining Table | ৳ 50,000 |
FRP Canteen Table | ৳ 17,500 |
Marble Dining Set | ৳ 17,500 |
Wooden Dining Set JFD68 | ৳ 32,000 |
Marble Table & Wooden Chair Dining Set | ৳ 55,000 |
The average cost of a dining table ranges from 1,000 taka to 3,000 taka, depending on its quality and size. The cheapest tables are made of plastic and are usually only used for outdoor dining. While the most expensive tables are made of wood and can seat up to six people.
[Ads]There are a lot of brands providing different types of dining tables in Bangladesh, but the prices vary according to the brand, materials used, and size. For example, an oak dining table costs around Tk 1 lakh while a plastic one costs around Tk 500-600. The prices also depend on the finish or the style of the table. Though oak tables are more expensive than plastic ones, they last longer because they are stronger and less likely to break.
বাংলাদেশে খাবার টেবিলের দাম Today 4 March 2025
[Ads]বাংলাদেশ এমন একটি দেশ যেখানে প্রচুর ধান ও গম রয়েছে। অতীতে বাংলাদেশের মানুষের প্রধান খাদ্য ছিল ভাত। যাইহোক, সময়ের সাথে সাথে, অন্যান্য ধরণের খাবারের অনুকূলে ভাতের ব্যবহার হ্রাস পেয়েছে। এর একটি কারণ বাংলাদেশি রেস্তোরাঁয় আন্তর্জাতিক খাবারের ক্রমবর্ধমান জনপ্রিয়তা।
একটি ডাইনিং টেবিলের গড় মূল্য 1,000 টাকা থেকে 3,000 টাকা পর্যন্ত, এটির গুণমান এবং আকারের উপর নির্ভর করে। সস্তার টেবিলগুলি প্লাস্টিকের তৈরি এবং সাধারণত শুধুমাত্র বাইরের খাবারের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়। যদিও সবচেয়ে ব্যয়বহুল টেবিল কাঠের তৈরি এবং ছয়জন পর্যন্ত বসতে পারে।
[Ads]বাংলাদেশে বিভিন্ন ধরণের খাবার টেবিল সরবরাহ করে এমন অনেক ব্র্যান্ড রয়েছে, তবে দাম ব্র্যান্ড, ব্যবহৃত উপকরণ এবং আকার অনুসারে পরিবর্তিত হয়। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, একটি ওক ডাইনিং টেবিলের দাম প্রায় 1 লাখ টাকা এবং একটি প্লাস্টিকের দাম প্রায় 500-600 টাকা। দাম এছাড়াও ফিনিস বা টেবিলের শৈলী উপর নির্ভর করে. যদিও ওক টেবিলগুলি প্লাস্টিকের চেয়ে বেশি ব্যয়বহুল, তবে সেগুলি দীর্ঘস্থায়ী হয় কারণ সেগুলি শক্তিশালী এবং ভাঙ্গার সম্ভাবনা কম।