Class 9 Civics 18th,14th, 9th Week Assignment Answer (নবম শ্রেণীর পৌরনীতি এসাইনমেন্ট এর সমাধান) is available here. Do you need answers of class 9 Civics / Pouroniti 18th, 14th, 9th week questions? We have answered all the questions of Class 9 Civics / Pouroniti Assignment for 14th, 9th Week. This Civics / Pouroniti solution of the 14th, 9th week will be very useful for the students of class 9. So read the full post to get Civics / Pouroniti solution for 18th, 14th, 9th Week of 9th class.
Class 9 18th Week History of Bangladesh and World Civilization
The 18th week of class 9 includes the history and world civilization of Bangladesh for the humanities department. This subject is Assignment Serial No.4. And its content is taken from the fourth chapter. That is, the political history of ancient Bengal has to be prepared.
The king of ancient Bengal made a genealogical list of the dynasties and made a report on the system of governance.
Class 9 18th Week History of Bangladesh and World Civilization Solution
Class 9 14th Week Civics Assignment 2021
অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট: ‘পরিপূর্ণ নাগরিক অধিকার পেতে হলে যথাযথ কর্তব্য পালন করতে হয়’ ২৫০-৩০০ শব্দের একটি প্রতিবেদন।
Class 9 14th Week Civics Assignment Answer
Class 9 9th Week Civics Assignment 2021
This is the second scheduled work on class 9 mathematics and citizenship. Assignments have been provided from the first chapter on the third scheduled work. The title of the assignment is Civics. There are many topics besides Civics as the subject of the assignment on the subject of citizenship and citizenship. The issues are: Civics and its scope or content. Family, family classification, family functions. There is also the idea of the origin of the state, the social state, the government. The relationship between the state and the government.
Class 9 9th Week Assigned Work of Civics Assignment
রাষ্ট্রের উৎপত্তি ও রাষ্ট্র গঠনের উপাদান – শিরোনামে সর্বোচ্চ ৩০০ শব্দের একটি প্রবন্ধ
The task of this assignment for the 9th week of class 9 is to write an essay in 300 words. The title of the article will be the origin of the state and the elements of state formation. And some hints have been provided for writing the article. The essay should be written in 300 words following the following hints. The signals are given below.
News-acceptable doctrines about the origin of the state must be written. The second number is to mention the merits of the doctrine to be more acceptable. The elements of state formation need to be discussed. We have to explain which is the most important element of the state from our own point of view. The last question needs to explain why the material is important.
Class 9 9th Week Civics Assignment Answer
How to solve the Civics Assignment?
To solve Assignment 2020, first of all you have to read the contents of the Civics assignment well. Then you have to start the assigned work. In order to do the assigned work of the Civics assignment, some questions need to create their own doctrine. So read the content well and write the article in your own way. So the hints given while writing the essay or answer should be followed. That is, one’s own thoughts will exist in the middle of the essay or answer.
We have shared Class 9 Civics 9th Week Assignment Answer. As a Class 9 student, you have gotten very help from our answer. In future we will share more assignment answers like Class 9 Civics / Pouroniti 9th Week Assignment.