Bepza Question Solution 2021 – Export Processing Zones Authority

Bepza Exam Question Solution 2021 is available in our website. Today is held Bangladesh Export Processing Zones job examination. Which post name is Assistant Manager. Total 09 vacancy in Bepza job circular 2021. In this job examination a large number of candidates participated. The test of 80 marks was held in full 60 minutes. A few day ago Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) announce the Assistant Manager exam date & time. Finally 25 September 2021 BEPZA Assistant Manager exam held without any problem. The exam was starts on 10 A.M. and ended on 11 A.M. Bepza job exam taken by FBS DU.


However after successfully complete Bepza job examination candidates are eagerly wanting for their result. But BEPZA Exam Result are not publish yet. So waiting for it. Now you can check your exam question solution. It is high time to check your Bepza Exam Question Solution 2021. In this case, your idea about the results will be. You will find out how many questions you answered correctly. So let’s check it.

সম্পূর্ণ সমাধান পেতে পোষ্টটি পড়ুন”

BEPZA Exam Info

Bangladesh Export Processing Zones is a government organization. Which is under the Prime Minister’s Office. Bepza is a brand in global market. So it is a honorable job in Bangladesh. Recently Bepza publish a job circular on their official website Their have eight area in Bangladesh. For example Chittagong EPZ, Dhaka EPZ, Mongla EPZ, Ishwardi EPZ, Comilla EPZ, Uttara EPZ, Adamjee EPZ, Karnaphuli EPZ. So Bepza need more employee for their activities. So they publish a large number job circular every year.


This year their publish 09 vacancy post job circular. Assistant Manager is the running job circular. Today Assistant Manager job MCQ test is held. Where English, Math, Bangla, General Knowledge subject are included. So it is too difficult question. If your preparation is good then you will pass in this exam. We say every time that job exam is to hard than other general examination.

However now time for BEZA Written Exam Question Solution 2021. Which is ready in our website. We try our best to solve BEPZA Assistant Manager job exam question paper. If you found any mistake then inform us. We try to correction as soon as possible. By the way we share the Bepza Exam Question Paper in our website. So don’t waste your time. Let’s begin.

Bepza Exam Question Paper

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Bepza Exam Question Solution 2021

Finally Bepza Exam Question Solution 2021 is complete. In this case we are give to thank jobstestbd. Now you can match your question paper with us. If you have any doubt then inform us. We solve it as fast as possible. At last if this post is benefit for you then share it with your friend and relatives. Thank you. Below the question solve are given.


Bangla Part

১.শবপোড়া শব্দটির কি দোষ দেখা যায়- উত্তরঃ গুরুচণ্ডালী

২. দুঃখকে প্রাপ্ত “ এটি কোন সমাস-উত্তরঃ তৎপুরুষ

৩. সূর্য এর প্রতিশব্দ-উত্তরঃ আদিত্য

৪. তুর্কি শব্দের উদাহরণ কোনটি-উত্তরঃ বাবুর্চি

৫. ডাকঘর কোন ধরনের রচনা-উত্তরঃ নাটক

৬. কায়কোবাদের মহাশ্মশান গ্রন্থটি কোন ধরনের রচনা-উত্তরঃ মহাকাব্য

৭. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান-উত্তরঃ নির্নিমেষ

৮. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান- উত্তরঃ নিষুতি

৯. অঞ্চল শব্দটি কোন শ্রেণীর-উত্তরঃ তৎসম

১০. ক্ষীয়মান এর বিপরীত শব্দ কি- উত্তরঃ বর্ধিষ্ণু ( বর্ধিষ্ণু আর বর্ধমান দুটো শব্দের অর্থ বর্ধনশীল, অপশনে বর্ধিষ্ণু আগে তাই উত্তর হবে বর্ধিষ্ণু)

১১. কোন সন্ধিটি নিপাতনে সিদ্ধ- উত্তরঃ পর+পর = পরস্পর

১২. নিচের কোনটিতে বিরামচিহ্ন যথাযথভাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়নি- উত্তরঃ ঢাকা, ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯৫২

১৩. খাঁটি বাংলা উপসর্গ যোগে সৃষ্ট পদ কোনটি-উত্তরঃ আকাঁড়া

১৪. ডালে ডালে কুসুম ভার” এখানে ভার কোন অর্থ প্রকাশ করে- উত্তরঃ সমূহ

১৫. কৃষক হলেও তার আছে রাশি রাশি ধান” বাক্যে রাশি রাশি কি অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে- উত্তরঃ আধিক্য

১৬. তুলসী বনের বাঘ” প্রবাদটির অর্থ কি- উত্তরঃ ভণ্ড

১৭. কোনটি ভুল বাক্য- উত্তর: খ. দেশের দারিদ্র দূর করতে হবে। ব্যাখ্যা: এখানে ভুল বাক্য ‘দেশের দারিদ্র দূর করতে হবে।’ এর সঠিক রূপ হবে- খ. দেশের দারিদ্র্য দূর করতে হবে।

১৮. আসামির ”পক্ষে “ উকিল কে? এখানে পক্ষে কি অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে- উত্তরঃ সহায় অর্থে

১৯. সর্বনাশ বোঝাতে কোন বাগধারাটি প্রয়োজন- উত্তরঃ ভরাডুবি

২০. হাটে হাটে বিকিয়ে তোর ভরা আপণ এ বাক্যে কোন দ্বিরুক্তির প্রয়োগ ঘটেছে- উত্তরঃ পদাত্মক দ্বিরুক্তি (বিভক্তিযুক্ত পদের দুইবার ব্যবহারকে পদাত্মক দ্বিরুক্তি বলা হয়। এগুলো দুই রকমে গঠিত হয়। যেমন- একই পদের অবিকৃত অবস্থায় দুইবার ব্যবহার। যথা – ভয়ে ভয়ে এগিয়ে গেলাম। হাটে হাটে বিকিয়ে তোর ভরা আপণ।

General Knowledge

১. How many positive Integers less in 100 have a reminder of 2 when divided by 13?

-উত্তরঃ FY 2016-2021

২. Which movie won the best picture Oscar award 2021-

-উত্তরঃ Parasite

৩. What was the theme of 2021 international women’s day-

-উত্তরঃ I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights

৪. Which tennis tournament is played on Clay Court-

-উত্তরঃ French Open

৫. Who is the author of the book “ Principia Mathematica”-

-উত্তরঃ Issac Newton

৬. “Zulu” Is the prominent Tribe of which country-

-উত্তরঃ South Africa

৭. Which of the following is not an Olympic sport-

– উত্তরঃ Cricket

৮. International Day of friendship is observed of the globally on –

-উত্তরঃ 30 July

৯. Who was the top goal scorer in the UEFA Champions League 2019/20?-

-উত্তরঃ Robert Lewandowski

১০. Which Batsman is ranked first in the ICC ODI player ranking of 2021?

– উত্তরঃ Virat Kohli

১১. Which chemical compound caused a huge explosion in Beirur, Lebanon on August 4t, 2021-

– উত্তরঃ Ammonium Nitrate

১২. Which Party won the elections in Pakistan in 1970 and was not allowed to form government-

-উত্তরঃ Awami League

১৩. Who was the winner of the men’s single in US Open tennis 2021-

-উত্তরঃ Dominic Thiem (Austria)

১৪. The headquarter of Apple, known as Apple Park, is located in-

-উত্তরঃ California

১৫. How much is the Foreign Exchange Reserve of Bangladesh as of August 2021

-উত্তরঃ $38850 Million (38 Billion)

১৬. By pressing which key we can move to the beginning of a line in Ms Word document –

-উত্তরঃ Home Key

১৭. EDI is a (an)- উত্তরঃ Inter organizational Application Software

১৮. Which of the following consists of one or more filaments of glass fiber wrapped in protective layers that carries Data by means of pulse of light ?-

– উত্তরঃ Fiber cable

১৯. Google’s language translator is an example of the application of-

– উত্তরঃ Machine learning

২০. New virus that replicates itself is called?-

-উত্তরঃ Worm

English Part


১. Choose the Correct Preposition: The table is ……the middle …..the room?


২. Which of the following sentences is correct?


৩. Choose the correct synonym of the word: ASTUTE?


৪. Choose the correct antonym of the word: EPIDEMIC?


৫. Choose the correct conversion into simple form of the sentences : Corona virus has attacked the world. Bangladesh has maintained a high growth rate of its economy?


৬. Choose the correct tag question of the sentence: Zahara knows how to swim,……?


সকল চাকরির পরীক্ষার সময়সূচী ও ফলাফল মোবাইলে Notification পেতে নিচের Android apps মোবাইলে রাখেন: Jobs EXam Alert

৭. Choose the correct translation of the proverb: চোরে-চোরে মাসতুতো ভাই?


৮. He loved “himself”. The underlined word is?


৯. Choose the correct words to complete the sentence : …………… the field is feeling sick


১০. The appropriate plural form of the word: STRATUM is?


১১. Choose the correct sentence?


১২. Antonym of RECONDITE is


১৩. What is the correct meaning if the underlined word in the sentence? How are you “getting on” in your new job


১৪. Choose the appropriate pair of the words to fill in the blanks: Though it’s difficult to cross the river, don’t……


১৫. The past participle form of the word “BITE” is


১৬. Choose the correct form of the verb in the sentence if we ……..near Cox’s Bazar, we would go there more often


১৭. Choose the sentence with appropriate use of “some”


১৮. Which of the following word dis correctly spelled


১৯. Choose the correct form of the underlined words: Sabotage came from the French saboter , Which means “to clatter with wooden shoes” (sabots).”

-উত্তরঃ which means “to

২০. Select the sentence with appropriate form

– উত্তরঃ

Math Part


১. What is the slope of a line containing the points (1,13) and (-3,6)?

উত্তরঃ 1.75

২. If a+b+c =12, a+b=4, and a+c=7, What is the value of a?

-উত্তরঃ -1 (প্রশ্নে অপশন ভুল ছিল, তবে যারা উত্তর 1 মানে B দিয়েছেন তারা মার্ক পাবেন)

৩. The set of points defined by the equation x^2 +y^2+Z^2=4 is

– উত্তরঃ Sphere

৪. Which of the following is an equation whose graph is a set of points equidistant from the points

{0,0} and (6.0)?

-উত্তরঃ x=3

৫. Which of the following is equivalent to a a-b ≥ a+b^2

-উত্তরঃ b≤0

৬. If m and n are in the domain of a function g and g (m)>g(n), Which of the following must be true ?

-উত্তরঃ m ≠n

৭. If logn^2=a and logn^5=b, then logn^50=

– উত্তরঃ a + 2b

৮. In a certain office, that human resources department reports that 60% of the employees in the office commute over an hour on average each day, and that 25% of those Employees who commute over an hour on average each the commute by train. If an employee that the office is selected at random, what is the probability that the employee commutes over an hour on average by train?

– উত্তরঃ .15

৯. To the nearest degree what is the measure of the second smallest angle in a right triangle with sides 5,12 and 13?

– উত্তরঃ 67 Degree

১০. Of the following list of numbers, Which has the greatest standard deviation?

-উত্তরঃ 4,7,10

১১. If A is an integer, Which of the following CANNOT be inferred from the statement above

– উত্তরঃ If A is a multiple of 5, then A is a multiple of 10

১২. If how many different orders can 8 different colors of Flowers be arranged in a straight line

– উত্তরঃ 40,320

১৩. If the height of a right square pyramid is increased by 12% by what percent must the side of the base be increased, So that the volume of the pyramid is increased by 28%

– উত্তরঃ

১৪. If the second term is and arithmetic sequence is4, and the tenth term is 15, What is the first term in the sequence

– উত্তরঃ 2.63

১৫. In country A, the first 1,000 dollar of any inheritance are untaxed. After the first 1,000 dollar , Inheritances are taxed at a rate of 65% how large must and inheritance be , to the nearest Dollar in order to amount to 2,500 dollar after the inheritance tax

– উত্তরঃ 5286

১৬. In an engineering test, a rocket sled is propelled into a target. If the sled’s distance from the target is given by the formula d=1.5t^2+120, Where t is the number of second after rocket ignition, then how many seconds have passed since rocket ignition when the sled is 10 meters form the target

– উত্তরঃ 8.56

১৭. If e^2=5, then x=?

– উত্তরঃ 1.61

১৮. Right triangle has sides in the ratio of 5:12:13, what is the measure of the smallest angle in the Triangle in degrees

– উত্তরঃ 22.62

১৯. If k is an integer and k=462/n, then which of the following could be the value of n?

– উত্তরঃ 22

২০. How many positive Integers less in 100 have a reminder of 2 when divided by 13?

– উত্তরঃ 7

Bepza Exam Result 2021

Bepza Exam Result 2021 is not publish yet. Candidates have to wait for some time to get the results. Because a large number of candidates attend in Bepza examination. So it may take some time to look at the khata. Don’t worry when Bangladesh Export Processing Zone authority publish Bepza Exam Result 2021 then we will inform us. In addition you can see it in our website. So stay with us and follow our website regularly. Thank you for reading my article. If you face any problem then you can comment in below.

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