Benefits and disadvantages of cucumber / What is the current market price of cucumber?

Cucumber is a well-known plant belonging to the Gord family Cucurbitus. It is a kind of fruit. The fruit, which grows on creeping plants, is oblong in shape and about 10-12 inches long. Its exterior color is green. However, when ripe, it turns yellow. It is whitish green inside, with beech in the middle. So it is eaten raw or used in making salads.


Although it originated in India, it is now grown in almost all parts of the world. It is usually found more in hot weather. There are several varieties of cucumber. This results in less calories and more water. 20 calories per 100 grams of raw cucumber with peel. In Bangladesh, cucumber is mainly used as a salad. Today we will learn more about the pros and cons of cucumber from this chapter. Because these are the things we need to know.


Benefits Of Cucumber 


Cucumber is a beneficial food. It contains potassium, magnesium and fiber. Although it is a summer vegetable, cucumber is now available in the market all year round. Cucumber is very good for the body. Cucumber is beneficial for weight loss, lowering blood cholesterol. Cucumbers are very low in calories and high in water. Many people use cucumber in skin care. The benefits of cucumber are-


1. Cucumber rich in fiber and fluid increases the amount of fiber and water in the body. Cucumber helps in controlling high blood pressure as it contains potassium, magnesium and fiber.

2. Cucumber contains a substance called sterol, which helps in controlling cholesterol. In this case, it is important to remember that cucumber peel also contains sterol.

3. Cucumber is very useful in controlling obesity.

4. Cucumber helps in kidney, urinary, bladder, liver and pancreas problems.

5. Cucumber solves the problem of digestion and constipation due to the presence of an enzyme called erepsin.

6. Cucumber or cucumber juice is also very beneficial for diabetics.

7. Cucumber juice is also useful in ulcers, gastritis, acidity. 

8. Mineral-rich cucumber helps to keep nails well, teeth and gum problems.

9. According to the doctor’s advice, drinking cucumber juice can be beneficial for arthritis, eczema, heart and lung problems.

10. You can eat cucumber juice mixed with carrot juice, uric acid will help a lot in case of pain.


Disadvantages of cucumber 


Cucumber is a low calorie food. There is a lot of water in it. 100 grams of cucumber contains 94.9 grams of water and 22 calories. Cucumber is also a good quality antioxidant food.


Cucumbers contain some amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber. But even a good cucumber can be harmful to the human body when one thinks that one can lose weight just by eating cucumber. Cucumber is considered to be the only medicine for weight loss. We dieticians put cucumber on the diet chart. But just eating cucumber does not tell us to lose weight. But many people take cucumber as a medicine to lose weight and eat cucumber all day long.


Since cucumber is a low calorie food, why eat cucumber any other low calorie food in one go, you will lose weight. But with that, your body will be deficient in various nutrients. Eating less cucumber all day or in excess of other foods or eating cucumber when you are hungry causes indigestion, flatulence, flatulence, abdominal pain, nausea etc.


Eating cucumber all the time to lose weight for about a month will cause many misfortunes. Lack of adequate nutrition in the body will make the body very weak. Do not get the strength to work. There is a risk of blood loss. Lack of blood glucose can also lead to headaches and dizziness.


why you should eat cucumber

We can stay away from various diseases by eating cucumber regularly. For this reason we should eat cucumber every day. So let’s take a look at the reasons why we eat cucumbers.

1. Eliminates dehydration of the body

2. Heat absorbers inside and outside the body

3. Eliminates toxicity of the body

4. Fills daily vitamin deficiencies

5. Supplier of skin friendly minerals 

6.Helps in digestion and weight loss

7. Increases the brightness of the eyes 


What is the price of cucumber in today’s [datetoday] market?


Usually we buy cucumber from the market and eat it. However, the market price of cucumber is not always stable. Prices vary according to the market demand. According to the current market, the price of cucumber is-

Cucumber- 1 Kg




Cucumber is a kind of fruit. It tends to be elongated in shape. And cucumber contains many essential nutrients. In doing so we should eat cucumber and know the details about cucumber. So let us know for ourselves, what family means and build a healthy and strong Bangladesh.

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