Aquarium Price in Bangladesh

If you’re considering adding an aquarium to your home, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you have the space. Second, research which type of aquarium is best for your needs and budget. Third, choose the right fish species and breed them appropriately. Finally, maintain your aquarium properly to ensure a healthy environment for your fish. In this post, we’re going to publish aquarium price in Bangladesh in details.


The aquarium is a popular place to keep fish, and it is a great option for those who want to get into fishkeeping but don’t have the time or space to keep a lot of them. Aquariums come in all shapes and sizes, from small tabletop models to large, expensive setups that can accommodate dozens of fish.

Aquariums can provide an interesting and educational experience for kids as well as adults. The tanks also offer a great way to show off your collections of fish while providing a comfortable place for them to live.


Why Aquarium is the Best Decor on Home

As a homeowner, you likely have many items in your home that you view as being indispensable. One of those items is an aquarium. Aquariums are not only beautiful additions to any room, but they also provide a unique way to experience the world outside. Here are five reasons why aquariums are the best decor on home.


Aquariums can add personality and life to a room that may otherwise feel dull or lifeless. They come in all shapes and sizes, so there is definitely one that will fit your specific needs and style. Additionally, they can serve as a great source of entertainment for your fish and other aquatic creatures. Not to mention, they make for beautiful photo opportunities!

Aquariums offer environmental education opportunities for children and adults alike.

How to Choose the Best Aquarium for Home


Choosing an aquarium can be a daunting task for the beginner, as there are many different types to consider and it can be hard to know which one is right for you. Here are some tips on how to choose the best aquarium for you. On our last post, we discuss about asus monitor price in Bangladesh.

The size of the aquarium is important. Make sure the tank has the space you need to store it and that you have enough room on your floor or table to accommodate it. A minimum size for an aquarium is 10 gallons, but larger tanks (up to 150 gallons) are available.


When it comes to choosing an aquarium, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the size of the tank should be considered. Some tanks can accommodate up to 10 gallons while others hold only 1 or 2. Second, it is important to find one with a good filter. Some filters can handle a large amount of water while others are better suited for smaller tanks.


Third, make sure the tank has a light fixture so fish can see their surroundings. Fourth, consider what type of fish you would like to keep and decide on a tank size and filter compatible with those species. Fifth, research which brands have good reviews and choose one based on that information. Finally, set up your new aquarium and enjoy your new pets!

Aquarium Price in Bangladesh Today 24 March 2025


Bangladesh is a country with a large population and many people are looking for ways to save money. Aquariums are one of the ways that people can save money on their hobbies. Aquariums in Bangladesh can be found for under 800.

Aquarium Price in Bangladesh Today 24 March 2025
Model Price
12 Cube Planted Tank w/ Complete Setup ৳6,800.00
12 inch Cube Tank With Full setup & Stand ৳7,380.00
12 inch Cube Tank with Planted Setup & Light ৳8,560.00
18″L×18″H×30″W Inch Aquarium with Backsump ,light And Stand ৳13,990.00
3 Partition Aquarium- 24x9x9 inch Crystal 5mm Glass(Air Pump driven backsump with LED Light) ৳7,800.00
3 Partition Aquarium- 24x9x9 inch Regular 4mm Glass (Air Pump driven backs ump with LED Light) ৳4,000.00
30x12x12 Inch Tank with Complete setup & Stand ৳14,100.00

Aquarium prices in Bangladesh vary depending on the size of the aquarium and the type of fish. The price for an 8-gallon aquarium ranges from Tk. 5,000 to Tk. 20,000, while a 30-gallon aquarium costs between Tk. 60,000 and Tk. 300,000.


Aquarium prices in Bangladesh vary depending on the size, type and location of the aquarium. In general however, the price for a small aquarium ranges from Tk. 1,000 to Tk. 3,000 while a medium-sized aquarium can cost between Tk. 6,000 and Tk. 10,000. The most expensive aquariums can cost up to Tk. 30,000 or more.

বাংলাদেশে অ্যাকোয়ারিয়ামের দাম Today 24 March 2025

বাংলাদেশ একটি বৃহৎ জনসংখ্যার দেশ এবং অনেক লোক অর্থ সঞ্চয় করার উপায় খুঁজছে। অ্যাকোয়ারিয়ামগুলি এমন একটি উপায় যা লোকেরা তাদের শখের অর্থ সঞ্চয় করতে পারে। বাংলাদেশে অ্যাকোয়ারিয়াম 800 এর নিচে পাওয়া যাবে


বাংলাদেশে অ্যাকোয়ারিয়ামের দাম অ্যাকোয়ারিয়ামের আকার এবং মাছের ধরণের উপর নির্ভর করে। একটি 8-গ্যালন অ্যাকোয়ারিয়ামের দাম টাকা থেকে শুরু করে। 5,000 থেকে টাকা 20,000, আর 30-গ্যালন অ্যাকোয়ারিয়ামের দাম 60,000 এবং টাকা 300,000


বাংলাদেশে অ্যাকোয়ারিয়ামের দাম অ্যাকোয়ারিয়ামের আকার, ধরন এবং অবস্থানের উপর নির্ভর করে। তবে সাধারণভাবে, একটি ছোট অ্যাকোয়ারিয়ামের দাম ৫০ টাকা থেকে শুরু করে। 1,000 থেকে টাকা 3,000 এবং মাঝারি আকারের অ্যাকোয়ারিয়ামের দাম হতে পারে টাকা থেকে। 6,000 এবং টাকা 10,000 সবচেয়ে দামি অ্যাকুরিয়ামের দাম হতে পারে ৫০ হাজার টাকা পর্যন্ত। 30,000 বা তার বেশি।

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