8th Week Assignment Answer Of Class 6 has been published. Two subjects have been assigned for the Class 6 in the 8th week. The two subjects are English and Arts and Crafts. The Assignment Guide published by the Education Board contains a detailed description of the assignment. If necessary, anyone can check it before starting the assignment. We will discuss all the instructions regarding the 8th week assignment of Class 6. Hopefully our writings will not need to give any other instructions with attention.
8th assignment for Class 6 students. So do the students to complete this assignment. They should not have any problems. Yet many students may face various difficulties in completing the assignment. For them we will provide all the instructions for the class 6 8th week assignment. If necessary, I will create and upload the solution of the assignment. So for all the students who are looking for the solution of class 6 8th week assignment please follow us
Class 6 8th week assignment
Now we will discuss what topics are in class 6 8th week assignment. 8th week assignments in Class 6 have two subjects. The first is English and the second is arts and crafts. English is the third assignment in Class 6. That means two assignments have already been completed for the Class 6 in the English subject. A total of ten questions have been asked from a chapter in this assignment sheet. The task of the assignment is to answer these ten questions. There are also some instructions on how to do the assignment.
The second thing for the Class 6 is arts and crafts. The second assignment for the Class 6 in arts and crafts. In other words, an assignment for the subject of fine arts has already been submitted by the Class 6 students. In this assignment, folk art and handicrafts of Bangladesh i.e. Chapter 3 has been selected. The Assignment Guide prescribes 6 lessons for that assignment. A total of five questions have been provided as assignment work. Students need to answer these five questions appropriately. Some instructions are provided to complete the assignment. There is also a discussion on how the assignment will be evaluated.
So all the students who want to achieve good results in the 8th week assignment of Class 6 must follow our website. There is also a discussion on our website about how to create a good assignment solution. Read our article to gain a better understanding of the subject.
Class 6 8th week English assignment solution
Class 6 8th week English assignment is Lesson 5: Thanks for your work. Here, talk about thanks. People of different classes and professions provide us with different services. This chapter discusses how to thank them after receiving the service.
The job of the assignment is to make a poster. One has to create a poster that is having a conversation with a person who has lost his job due to the lockdown with some questions. There are ten questions in the Assignment Guide for use in the poster. There are also full instructions on how to create an assignment. The assignment has detailed instructions on how to avoid similar errors. So in order to complete the assignment properly, we have to read the assignment instructions carefully. Understand well then create the solution of the assignment.
Class 6 8th week Art and craft assignment solution
Class 6 8th Week Arts and Crafts Assignment is Chapter 3: Taken from Folk Arts and Crafts of Bangladesh. Discussions are scheduled from a total of how many lessons. Lesson 1: Concept of Folk Art, Lesson 2 and 3: Introduction to Folk Art of Bangladesh, Lesson 4: Concept of Crafts, Lesson 5 and 6: Introduction to Bangladesh Crafts. The assigned task of the assignment is: to prepare any one element of folk art.
- মাটির পাত্রে রং দিয়ে মনের মত করে নকশা তৈরি।
- কাগজের নকশা অংকন।
- কাগজের বা অন্য উপকরণে হাত পাখা তৈরি
- মনের মত যে কোন উপাদান
- যেকোনো উৎস ব্যবহার করে ধারণা নেয়া যেতে পারে
- যেকোনো আকারের মাটির পাত্রে বিভিন্ন রং ব্যবহার করে নকশা করা যাবে এবং সহজলভ্য মাটির পাত্র সহজলভ্য রং ব্যবহার করা যাবে।
- যে কোন কাগজে যেকোনো নকশা করা যাবে যে কোন মাধ্যমের রং ব্যবহার করা যাবে।
- সহজলভ্য রং ব্যবহার করা যাবে।
- প্রস্তুতকৃত উপাদানটি সহজে পরিবহন যোগ্য, জমাদানের উপযোগী হতে হবে।
মূল্যায়ন রুবিক্স
অতি উত্তম
- পরিপূর্ণ মাত্রায় বিষয়বস্তু সঠিক ধারাবাহিক
- আকার ও আকৃতির নির্ধারণ যথার্থ ও নান্দনিক
- নকশার সঠিক ও আকর্ষণীয় প্রয়োগ
- উজ্জ্বল রঙের ব্যবহার দক্ষতা
- অধিকাংশ ক্ষেত্রে বিষয়বস্তু সঠিক ধারাবাহিক
- আকার ও আকৃতির নির্ধারণ
- সঠিক ও আকর্ষনীয় প্রয়োগ
- রং এর ব্যবহারের দক্ষতা
- বিষয়বস্তু থাকলেও ধারাবাহিকতার অভাব
- আকার ও আকৃতি নির্ধারণ মোটামুটি যথার্থ ও নান্দনিক
- নকশার সঠিক প্রয়োগ
- রং এর ব্যবহারে অনেকাংশে দক্ষতা
অগ্রগতি প্রয়োজন:
- বিষয়বস্তুর সঠিকতা ও ধারাবাহিকতার অভাব
- আকার ও আকৃতি নির্ধারণে যথার্থতা ও নান্দনিকতার অনুপস্থিতি
- রং এর ব্যবহার ও রং নির্বাচনে দুর্বলতা
How to do better Class 6 8th week assignment answer
As a student we always want to get better results in any subject. Thus, students want to collect good marks from Class 6 8th week assignments. Today I will discuss how to achieve good results in the 8th week assignment of Class 6.
- First collect the 8th week questions as soon as possible.
- Read all the instructions from the Class 6 assignment.
- Then you will read the Class 6 assignment of the 8th week carefully.
- Then you learn about the Class 6 8th week assignment questions from the textbook.
- If you want to get good marks from Class 6 8th week assignments, you should read more about Class 6 8th week assignments.
- Sixth class assignments from any source Find the 8th week appropriate assignment answer
- Write the best answer to the Class 6 8th week assignment
- Please double check the 8thgrade assignment answer.
- Submit the 8th week assignment answers before the deadline.
- Class 6 assignments must be submitted to the appropriate authority.
- After submitting the 8th week assignment, you must ask about another assignment for the next week.