Payoneer to Bkash Fund Transfer System, Although freelancers contribute a lot to Bangladesh’s GDP, they are neglected in terms of opportunities. Their long awaited PayPal has not come to Bangladesh now. But bKash has come up with a beautiful system for freelancers in Bangladesh. Earlier, money had to be withdrawn from different marketplaces using different methods. Had to withdraw from Pioneer to the bank.
Now you can easily withdraw from Pioneer to Bikash. You can now easily bring money to bKash from Payment Gateway Service Pioneer using bKash app. Payoneer to Bkash Fund Transfer System .
BKash to bring payments to freelancers through Payoneer
Recently Bikash announced that money can be brought to Bkash from outside the country from Payoneer. Many of them have become aware of the matter. Again, many do not know. For those who don’t know, let’s talk about “Payoneer bkash Rules”.
What is Payoneer- Why do people use Payoneer?
Payoneer is an international open bank. Transactions can be done by opening this bank account from any country. It can accept payments from more than 200 countries. So Pioneer can be an ideal bank for those who make money with foreign business or services. Not only that, in different countries, it can be used just like the local bank of that country.
Anyone in the world can open a Pioneer account. However, he has to provide a national identity card to prove his identity. Those who have become voters in Bangladesh or have NI card can easily open a Pioneer account.
If you are a businessman or freelancer or online seller.Therefore you need to do overseas transactions later. If you need to receive money from different countries, you can open a Pioneer account and use it. What would you do if you didn’t need a money transaction outside of your country to open a Pioneer account? Yes, you can open it if you intend to earn some money by marketing it.
Rules for taking money for Bkash from Payoneer
- First, login to your bKash app.
- Then click on the “More” or “More” option in the interface that appears in front of you.
- Next, select the remittance option from the services.
- Now select the Pioneer option
- If you do not have a Payoneer account, you can open one.
- On the other hand, if the account is open, login to your Payoneer account and click on the option.
- Later you will see that your login details link has been moved to the new page.
- Login with your Payoneer account login details.
The cost of the transaction to bring Bkash money from Payoneer
Pioneer can cut 2% of transaction costs to bring money to development from Pioneer. But now with the 2% bonus on development, it can be assumed that your original amount can be almost the same. When a bKash customer transfers money from Pioneer to a bKash account, they get a flat 2% instant bonus per transaction. The offer will run from February 10 to March 10, 2022. There is no transaction limit during the offer.
Rules for sending money online
It will take much less time than the bank to get money from Pioneer for development. In just a few minutes you will be able to bring money from Pioneer for development. .
There you can sit at home without any hassle and raise your freelancing money. So if you need money urgently, the benefit of withdrawing money from Pioneer in Development can be a good option.
Hope this article has solved your problem. Thanks for staying with me till the end.