Department of Primary Education (DPE) Exam Date & Admit Card, DPE Assistant Teacher Exam Date, DPE Assistant Teacher Exam Admit Card Download, Assistant Teacher 2018 Exam, DPE Job Recruit Exam 2019, DPE Assistant Teacher Recruitment-2018 Exam Admit Card.,, সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা ২০১৯
[LinkAds]Department of Primary Education (DPE) exam date & admit card download option has been published. The dpe admit card download options were already available but today the date of the test was known. So we shared the dates of the exam and all the information we have known. Read the full texts and share it with friends.
Exam Starts On: 24 May
দেশের সরকারি প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ের সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগের লিখিত পরীক্ষা চার ধাপে শুরু হবে আগামী ২৪ মে। প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তর এক সংবাদ বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে এই তথ্য জানিয়েছে।
বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে বলা হয়, সরকারি প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ের রাজস্ব খাতভুক্ত সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ-২০১৮ এর লিখিত পরীক্ষা চার ধাপে পর্যায়ক্রম ২৪ মে, ৩১ মে, ১৪ জুন ও ২১ জুন (শুক্রবার) সকাল ১০টায় অনুষ্ঠিত হবে। পরীক্ষা সংক্রান্ত যাবতীয় প্রস্তুতিমূলক কার্যক্রম নিতে বলা হয়েছে।
এর আগে ১৭ মে থেকে চার দফায় পরীক্ষা আয়োজনের কথা জানানো হয়েছিল। ওই দিন জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের পরীক্ষা থাকায় এই পরীক্ষা পেছানো হয়েছে বলে সূত্র জানিয়েছে।
প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তর জানায়, গত বছরের ১ আগস্ট থেকে ৩০ আগস্ট পর্যন্ত অনলাইনে ২৪ লাখের বেশি আবেদন জমা পড়েছে। ১৩ হাজার পদের বিপরীতে এসব আবেদন জমা পড়ে। নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন করা হবে ডিজিটাল পদ্ধতিতে। এতে লিখিত ও মৌখিক পরীক্ষা নেওয়া হবে।
[Adsense] Download Official Notice About Primary Exam Date 2019
[LinkAds] Download DPE Assistant Teacher Admit Card
Preparation of written examination of ‘Assistant Teacher Recruitment-2018’ is underway in the Department of Primary Education (DPE). All preparations are going to start the test from May 24. However, in the first phase, written tests will be taken in small districts of the country, according to sources said.
According to sources, this time in the exam system is a radical change. The written test for the first time will be organized in a few steps. In the districts where the written examination will end before, There will be oral examinations before and the final result will be published.
Director General of the DPE. AFM Manzur Kadir said that, written test for recruitment of primary teachers will start on May 10. Written tests may be conducted in five to six or more steps. ‘
He said that in those districts 50 thousand or more applicants will be examined in more than one step. It will depend on the opinion of District Administrator and District Primary Education Officer. But in the first phase, those small districts like Joypurhat and Narail were being considered to start the test.
It is known that this time the recruitment test will be done in completely digitized mode. All sets of question papers will be sent to the Deputy Commissioner through the Internet in the scheduled district on the night before the examination The question papers will be printed at 8.00 am in the morning of the examination.
[LinkAds]DPE officials said, the number of submissions has doubled since last time. About 1.2 million applications were filed in last recruitment. More than 24 lakh applications have been submitted against 12 thousand posts this time. Of these, 4 lakh 52 thousand 760 in Dhaka division, 3 lakh 82 thousand 335 in Chittagong, 3 lakh 62 thousand 925 in Rajshahi, 2 lakh 48 thousand 730 in Khulna, 2 lakh 55 thousand 827 in Barisal, 1 lakh 20 thousand 623 in Sylhet, 2 lakh 94 thousand 368 in Rangpur and Mymensingh Division 2 lakh 82 thousand 437 applicants.
Officials said, Candidates’ questions will be set in digital method so that no one else can do exam in the same question paper. The question set will be determined by the candidate’s roll number. This time, the superintendent of the center will not have the ability to appoint the inspector. The teacher of one organization will be assigned to another organization. Central Superintendent will only give responsibility to the responsible to inspectors from Central.
The Director General said, “To make the corruption free and to stop question leak, there is a radical change in the appointment examinations. There will be extra security outside each center of the examination day. If anybody does any illegal work, the expulsion will be canceled as well as his paper.
[LinkAds]He said, ‘A modern software has been developed with the help of BUET to digitize the test system. Through this, the seats will be arranged for candidates, selection of inspector and all the activities can de done.
DPE officials said that more than 20 sets of question papers will be prepared to take the test thoroughly. BUET will determine the timing of the examination, the OMR form design and evaluation, publication of the results. However, the written test number 80 and the number of the viva exam will be 20 as before.
পোষ্টটি ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করুন- নিচে শেয়ার অপশন আছে।