Primary Teacher Result: Primary Somaponi exam result is available with PSC, PEC and ebtedayee (EBT) results. So newresultbd is providing this Primary Class Five Result online. If you want to get Primary Result For Primary, Somaponi, PSC, PEC, EBT, and ebtedayee then Follow Instructions Below.
Primary Result
Primary exam result of primary school has been published. DPE is the authority of this exam. DPE announced PSC exam somaponi result. In addition Madrasa Primary students also participated in this exam as EBT result. So there result is also published.
All Model Govt & Non-Govt Primary School and Madrasa exam result checking process or way is same. All result BD will found at In addition everyone can get Their result Via SMS.
Somaponi Result
Prathomik Sikkha Somaponi Porikkhar Rejalt ber hoice ajj. Upnara Folafol Dekhte Parben 31 Tarikh Dupur Theke. Folafol Dekhar Poddhoti Ekhane Dewa Ase.
Ebtedayee Result
You can get ebtedayee exam result also from our website. Learn More About EBT Result 2022.
Primary Assistant Teacher Exam Result
The MCQ and Preliminary result of Primary assistant teacher is going to publish. So here you can get your Primary Viva Result, Primary Final Result. Depending this Result of DPE assistant teacher, the vacant teachers will be recruited. So this is the important for candidates life and profession. So download below the Primary Viva & Final Result 2022.
রেজাল্ট লিঙ্ক নিচে রয়েছে। নির্বাচিত (পাশ) প্রার্থিরা মোবাইলে SMS পেয়েছে। একমাত্র আমরাই প্রথম রেজািল্ট দিয়েছি তাই পোস্টটি শেয়ার করবেন।
Download DPE Assistant Teacher Final Selection Result
Primary School Teacher MCQ Result
Primary School Teacher MCQ Exam Result can be checked through official website. Which are and, but for candidate’s help we share the full result in this article. You can download primary assistant teacher all phase result below.
DPE has give an opportunity to search primary assistant teacher exam result individually. So we also linked here that search option for you. Primary Result Confirm Publish Date 2022
We asked what day the result will be released next week, he said the results could be released early in next week.
However, an additional secretary of the concerned ministry, who did not want to be named, said that the work on producing the primary result was finished, now it is on file, awaiting the signature of the minister and secretary. The signature of the Minister will be possible next Sunday. The result of recruit assistant teacher of primary school will be released that day or Monday.
In Conclusion
At the end of this post, If you have any question about Primary Result 2022 for Assistant Teacher Exam, then comment below. We will try to answer your all questions. Thanks for being with us