7 Worst Enchantments in Minecraft 1.20

Minecraft 1.20 brings a plethora of enchantments that players can apply to their tools, weapons, and armor. These enchantments, coupled with power-ups, can greatly enhance a player’s gameplay experience. However, not all enchantments are created equal. Some of them are simply not as useful as others, and most players tend to overlook them in favor of better options. In this article, we will explore the 7 worst enchantments in Minecraft 1.20.

1. Curse of Binding

The Curse of Binding is an enchantment that can be applied to any armor part or even a mob head. As the name implies, this enchantment is actually a curse. If a player wears an armor part or mob head with this curse, they cannot remove it until they die and respawn. While this enchantment can be used to prank other players on servers, it is not very useful in regular gameplay.

2. Curse of Vanishing

The Curse of Vanishing is another curse enchantment that can be applied to any tool, weapon, armor part, or mob head. This enchantment causes the item to vanish from the player’s inventory after they die. However, the player can still keep the item by storing it in a chest. While this enchantment can be used as a prank to curse other players’ gear, it is not particularly useful in regular gameplay.

3. Bane of Arthropods

The Bane of Arthropods is an enchantment that can be applied to swords and axes. It increases the attack damage against arthropod mobs such as spiders, cave spiders, bees, endermites, and silverfish. However, there are much better enchantments that can be applied to weapons, which will be effective against all types of mobs, not just arthropods. Therefore, this enchantment is not as useful as others.

4. Impaling

Impaling is an exclusive enchantment for the Trident. It increases the attack damage against underwater mobs or mobs in contact with water (Bedrock Edition only). While this enchantment can be useful in specific situations, players can still use enchanted swords and bows to attack hostile mobs, which will generally be much more effective. Therefore, the importance of this enchantment depends on the version of Minecraft being played.

5. Smite

Smite is an enchantment that can only be applied to melee weapons. It increases the attack damage against undead mobs such as skeletons, zombies, withers, wither skeletons, and more. While this enchantment is useful against undead mobs, players can apply other enchantments such as sharpness and sweeping edge to get better attack damage against all types of mobs, not just undead ones.

6. Thorns

The Thorns enchantment can be applied to armor. It allows players to inflict damage on enemies that attack them. However, this enchantment is not particularly useful as an offensive enchantment since players must also incur damage in order to activate it. Therefore, there are much better enchantments that players can use to enhance their offensive capabilities.

7. Lure

The Lure enchantment is specific to fishing rods. It increases the rate at which players catch fish while fishing. However, not many players are keen on fishing in Minecraft. Experienced players often have fishing farms that automatically yield items from the water, while new players might simply pass the time fishing. Therefore, the Lure enchantment is one of the lesser-used power-ups, especially when compared to other fishing rod enchantments like Luck of the Sea.

In conclusion, Minecraft 1.20 introduces numerous enchantments that players can apply to their tools, weapons, and armor. While some of these enchantments greatly enhance gameplay, others are not as useful and tend to be overlooked by most players. The Curse of Binding, Curse of Vanishing, Bane of Arthropods, Impaling, Smite, Thorns, and Lure are some of the worst enchantments in Minecraft 1.20. However, it’s important to note that depending on a player’s playstyle, these enchantments may still have a specific use.