HW: Activity 3 (Page No.- 183, 184) Answer Class 9 Assignment, Class 9 English 5th Week Assignment Answer, 5th Soptaher Ingreji Assignment Somadhan, নবম শ্রেণীর ৫ম সপ্তাহের ইংরেজী সমাধান। 3rd English Assignment Solution 5th Week For Class Nine. Assignment Task 3.

Write an application to your Headteacher to arrange safe drinking water for the students

HW: Activity 3 (Page No.- 183, 184) Answer

  1. b) when were they taken?
  2. c) I was not invited
  3. d) The party was not planned …… you were…… invited
  4. e) Many people were not invited
  5. f) will be arranged soon
  6. g) How many people were invited?
  7. h) How many people will be invited?
  8. i) not being surprised.

Class 9 English 5th Week Assignment Answer