JSC Scholarship Result 2020 for all boards has been published. Check JSC Scholarship Result, Class 8 Scholarship, Class Eight Britti Folafol, ক্লাস ৮ বৃত্তির ফলাফল ২০২০
বৃত্তির ফলাফল প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। নিচে Board ভিত্তিক JSC Scholarship Result PDF আকারে Download অপশন দেওয়া আছে। পোস্টটি শেয়ার করুন।
JSC and JDC Scholarship
Education board offers JSC/JDC government scholarship. Each board offers students scholarships to their own board. The results also vary from each board. JSC/JDC Scholarship is basically provided in 2 types like PSC Scholarship Result.
- Talent Pool Scholarship: In this talent pool scholarship, the student gets 450 taka per months.
- General Scholarship: In this general scholarship, the student gets 300 taka per months.
Students will get scholarship for the next two years while studying in classes 9 and 10. Total 39000 students will get scholarship from government. There are 9000 Talent Pool and 30000 General students will get scholarship. The talent pool scholarship students will get 5400 Taka per year. Other hand, the general scholarship students will get 3600 Taka.
JSC and JDC Scholarship Result
Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) exam 2019 is over. Many have made good results and many are bad. Based on the results of the students, scholarships are given to a certain number of students. Education Board appealed to eligible candidates to apply for the JSC & JDC Scholarship. Then many qualified meritorious students applied for Scholarship. The desired JSC & JDC scholarship result 2019 were published. All boards JSC Scholarship result below.
[LinkAds]সকল Board এর বৃত্তির রেজাল্ট ডাউনলোডের অপশন নিচে পাবেন। পোষ্টটি ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।
JSC Scholarship Result For Dhaka Board
The Dhaka education board has not published their JSC scholarship result. When publish, web will add result here.
Dhaka Board JSC Scholarship Result
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Dhaka
Website: https://dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd
JSC Scholarship Result For Rajshahi Board
The Rajshahi education board has not published their JSC scholarship result. When publish, web will add result here.
Rajshahi Board JSC Scholarship Result
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Rajshahi
Website: www.rajshahieducationboard.gov.bd
JSC Scholarship Result For Chittagong Board
The Chittagong education board has not published their JSC scholarship result. When publish, web will add result here.
Chittagong Board JSC Scholarship Result
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Chittagong
Website: https://web.bise-ctg.gov.bd/bisectg
JSC Scholarship Result For Barisal Board
The Barisal education board published their JSC scholarship result on 10 March 2019. According to the JSC Scholarship Result, In this year total 3136 students got JSC scholarship from Barisal board. 1097 students of Barisal board got talent pool scholarship and 2039 students got general scholarship. Download PDF below to chect your result.
Barisal Board JSC Scholarship Result
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Barisal
Website: www.barisalboard.gov.bd
E-mail: barisalboard@gmail.com
JSC Scholarship Result For Jessore Board
The Jessore education board published their JSC scholarship result on 28 February 2019. According to the JSC Scholarship Result, In this year total 4914 students got JSC scholarship from Jessore board. 1376 students of Barisal board got talent pool scholarship and 3538 students got general scholarship. Download PDF below to chect your result.
Jessore Board JSC Scholarship Result
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore
Website: www.jessoreboard.gov.bd
JSC Scholarship Result For Comilla Board
The Comilla education board published their JSC scholarship result on 02 April 2019. According to the JSC Scholarship Result, In this year total 4538 students got JSC scholarship from Jessore board. 840 students of Barisal board got talent pool scholarship and 3698 students got general scholarship. Download PDF below to chect your result.
Comilla Board JSC Scholarship Result
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Comilla
Website: www.comillaboard.gov.bd
E-mail: info@comillaboard.gov.bd
JDC Scholarship Result
The Madrasah education board published their JDC scholarship result on 04 April 2019. According to the JSC Scholarship Result, In this year total 9000 students got JSC scholarship from Madrasah board. 3000 students of Madrasah board got talent pool scholarship and 6000 students got general scholarship. Download PDF below to chect your result.
Madrasah Board JDC Scholarship Result
Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board, Dhaka
Website: www.bmeb.gov.bd
JSC Scholarship Result For Mymensingh Board
The Mymensingh education board has not published their JSC scholarship result. When publish, web will add result here.
Mymensingh Board JSC Scholarship Result
Website: http://www.mymensingheducationboard.gov.bd
JSC Scholarship Result For Dinajpur Board
The Dinajpur education board has not published their JSC scholarship result. When publish, web will add result here.
Dinajpur Board JSC Scholarship Result
Website: http://www.dinajpureducationboard.gov.bd/
JSC Scholarship Result For Shylet Board
The Shylet education board has not published their JSC scholarship result. When publish, web will add result here.
Shylet Board JSC Scholarship Result
Website: https://sylhetboard.gov.bd/
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JSC Scholarship Result Of Rajshahi Board Is Not Published