HSC Islamic Studies Assignment 2021 & 2022

HSC Islamic Studies 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th 7th & 9th Week Assignment (2022 & 2022) Answer (এইচএসসি ইসলাম শিক্ষা প্রথম, দ্বিতীয়, চতুর্থ, ষষ্ঠ, সপ্তম ও নবম সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট এর সমাধান) is available here. Do you need answers of HSC Islamic Studies 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th 7th & 9th week questions? We have answered all the questions of HSC Islamic Studies Assignment for 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th 7th & 9th week. This Islam Sikkha solution of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th 7th & 9th week will be very useful for the students of HSC. So read the full post to get Islamic Studies solution for 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th 7th & 9th week of 11th & 12th class.


HSC Islamic Studies Assignment

The Islamic studies assignment has been given to the HSC candidates 2022. Total ten assignments solution on Islamic studies First Paper and Islamic studies Second Paper will have to be provided to the HSC candidates of 2022. So those who are HSC candidates 2022, please read our article carefully. Because in this article there are many instructions for you about HSC Islamic studies Assignment 2022.

HSC Islamic studies First Paper Assignment is the first chapter – Islamic studies and Culture and the HSC Islamic studies Second Paper is the first chapter – Al-Quran. So I am writing this article for those who are HSC candidates in 2022 and who have the subject of Islamic studies.


HSC Islamic Studies 9th Week Assignment 2022

HSC Islamic Studies 9th Week Assignment 2022


অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট: সূরা বাকারার ১-৩ আয়াতের অর্থ, শিক্ষা ও মুত্তাকীদের বৈশিষ্ট্য

HSC Islamic Studies 9th Week Assignment Answer


HSC Islamic Studies 9th Week Assignment Answer


HSC Islamic Studies 9th Week Assignment Answer HSC Islamic Studies 9th Week Assignment Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 7th Week Assignment 2022

SC 2022 7th week of Islamic studies Assignment has been published. The 7th week of Islamic studies Assignment is taken from the second chapter. The title of the second chapter is Islam and Personal Life. So today’s assignment highlights the relationship between Islam and personal life. HSC 2022 7th week of Islamic studies Assignment The work of women’s rights and respect for women in Islam should be explained. HSC 2022 will be able to gain detailed knowledge about the rights of women in Islam and how to show respect to women from the 7th week of Islamic studies Assignment.

HSC Islamic Studies 7th Week Assignment 2021


অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট: ইসলামে নারীর অধিকার এবং নারীর প্রতি সম্মান প্রদর্শনের ব্যাখ্যা করণ

Also HSC 2022 will learn more about women’s rights in Islam from the 7th week of Islamic studies Assignment. For example, be able to realize women’s rights and the need to show respect for women. Learning from today’s assignment will also inspire students to show respect for each other. Below are the topics that must be mentioned in the answer sheet of HSC 2022 7th week of Islamic studies Assignment. The concept of women’s rights must be mentioned in the answer sheet. Women also need to write about ten or more rights. How to show respect to women and write ten ways to show respect to women. There are also ten requirements for showing respect to women and ways to inspire respect for both men and women.

HSC Islamic Studies 7th Week Assignment 2022 Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 7th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 7th Week Assignment 2021 Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 7th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 7th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 7th Week Assignment 2021 Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 7th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 7th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 7th Week Assignment 2021 Answer[Join]

HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2022

HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2021

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট: সূরা আল বাকারার ২৩-২৪ আয়াতের অর্থ, শানেনুযুল, শিক্ষা ও ‘কুরআন মাজিদ আল্লাহর বাণী’ – এর সঠিকতা বিশ্লেষণ

HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2022 Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2021 Answer[Adsense]

HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2021 Answer[Adsense]

HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2021 Answer[Join]

HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2022

HSC 2022 6th week Islamic studies Assignment has been published. HSC 2022 is the first assignment of the 6th week of Islamic education. Therefore, HSC 2022 candidates do not have previous experience of answering assignments on Islamic education. However, there is no reason to worry, we will provide the answers to the 6th week of HSC Islamic studies Assignment through our website. The Islamic Education Assignment for the 6th week of HSC 2022 has been taken from the first chapter. Islamic studies The title of the first chapter is Maktab in Islamic Education. HSC 2022 is the 6th week of the Islamic Education Assignment.

HSC 2022 6th Week Islamic Studies Assignment

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট: ইসলামী সংস্কৃতি চর্চায় মক্তব শিক্ষার গুরুত্ব পর্যালোচনা করে প্রতিবেদন প্রণয়ন

ষষ্ঠ সপ্তাহের এই ইসলাম শিক্ষা অ্যাসাইনমেন্টটি ২০২২ সালের এইচএসসি পরিক্ষার্থীদের (মানে বর্তমান প্রথম বর্ষের) জন্য। যারা ২০২১ সালে এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা দিবে, তাদের জন্য সকল সপ্তাহের ইসলাম শিক্ষা এসাইনমেন্ট নিচে দেওয়া আছে।

HSC 2022 The 6th week of Islamic studies Assignment will increase the knowledge of HSC 2022 candidates about Islamic studies. Learn what kind of role Maktab plays in the teaching of Islam. In addition, the Islamic Education Assignment for the 6th week of HSC 2022 will provide knowledge about the concepts, functions and requirements of the Maktab. Therefore, before answering the Islamic Education Assignment of HSC 2022 6th week, you must know the above issues well. Because without knowing the above issues, it will not be possible to answer the Islamic Education Assignment of HSC 2022 6th week.

HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2022 Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2022 Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2022 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2022 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2022 Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2022 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2022 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 6th Week Assignment 2022 Answer[Join]

Read More About HSC Islam Shikkha 6th Week Assignment

HSC candidates of 2022 have been given detailed instructions on how to write the answers of the 6th week of Islamic studies Assignment. Now we will talk about how to write the answer of the HSC 2022 exam 6th week Islamic studies assignment. We will also provide some additional instructions for writing the answers of the HSC 2022 6th week Islamic studies Assignment. By following our instructions, it will be possible to achieve very good results by writing the answers of the HSC 2022 6th week Islamic Education Assignment. So follow our instructions to get good results from the HSC 2022 6th week Islamic studies Assignment. Below are all the topics that need to be mentioned in the answer sheet for writing the answers of the HSC 2022 6th week Islamic Education Assignment.

The full concept including the meaning of the maktab must be presented correctly. In addition, ten or more functions of the maktab have to be presented in the answer sheet. In order to answer the Islamic Education Assignment for the 6th week of HSC 2022, ten requirements of Maktab should be mentioned in the answer sheet. Maktab education facilities also need to be described in the current social context. Lastly, it is necessary to mention the ways to overcome the difficulties that exist in the field of maktab education.

HSC Islamic Studies 4th Week Assignment 2022

The Islamic Education Assignment for the HSC 4th Week has been published. The 4th Week of Islam education assignment is taken from the third chapter. The title of the third chapter is Islam and personal life. So here you can get an idea of ​​what kind of relationship life has with Islam. This is the third assignment of HSC 4th Week Islam Education subject. So HSC candidates have already submitted two assignments on the subject of Islamic education.

HSC candidates of 2022 have been asked to analyze the importance and necessity of the concept of Taqwa as part of the 4th Week of Islam Education Assignment. HSC has been asked to analyze Taqwa as the work of the 4th Week of Islam Education Assignment. What is taqwa? The importance and necessity of taqwa is a matter of discussion.

HSC Islamic Studies 4th Week Assignment 2021

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট: তাকওয়ার ধারণা, গুরুত্ব প্রয়ােজনীয়তা বিশ্লেষণ।

Below are the topics that will be possible to gain knowledge from the Islamic Education Assignment of the 4th Week of HSC. You will know what the word taqwa means. He will also be able to gain knowledge about the importance of taqwa in Islam. Also, be able to explain the need for taqwa in our society and religious discipline.

Below are all the subjects that must be presented in order to prepare the answer sheet of the HSC 4th Week Islam Education Assignment. You have to write the answer of the HSC 4th Week Islam education assignment keeping in view the following issues.

HSC Islamic Studies 4th Week Assignment 2022 Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 4th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 4th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 4th Week Assignment 2021 Answer HSC Islamic Studies 4th Week Assignment 2021 Answer

The literal and technical meaning of taqwa should be mentioned in the answer sheet. It is also necessary to discuss the importance and necessity of taqwa in one’s personal life. What are the ways to attain taqwa that should be mentioned in the answer sheet. It is also necessary to describe the necessity of taqwa in the present context. Lastly, what is the difficulty of life without taqwa, and how to get rid of it? The highest marks will be obtained if the above subjects can be properly presented in the answer sheet of HSC 4th Week Islam Education Assignment.

HSC Islamic Studies 1st Week Assignment 2022

2022 HSC candidates have been asked to analyze the importance of Islamic studies as the work of 1st week assignment of islamic studies first paper. The importance of teaching Islam to prevent social degradation needs to be analyzed. That is, what kind of role can Islamic education play in keeping the society free from various degradations. We know that our society is in decline.

HSC Islamic Studies 1st Week Assignment 2021

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ১: সামাজিক অবক্ষয় রােধে ইসলামি শিক্ষার গুরুত্ব বিশ্লেষণ শিখনফল।

We need to take action so that we can be free from this social degradation. Various measures can be taken to address social degradation. Islamic education is one of them. Social degradation can be prevented by spreading the teachings of Islam. Because Islam education includes how to make the socially progressive and social. So the teaching of Islam is important to prevent social degradation. HSC Islam Education First Paper As the work of the 1st week assignment, the importance of Islamic education in preventing social degradation needs to be analyzed.

Read More About HSC Islamic Studies 1st Week Assignment 2022

Need to know to solve the Islamic studies 1st paper assignment?

Analyze the importance of  Islamic studies in the Islamic studies First Paper 1st week assignment. But the importance of teaching Islam alone is not enough to solve the assignment. In order to solve the assignment or write the answer, we need to know some important things about Islamic education. In order to solve Islamic studies First Paper 1st week’s assignment, We need to have knowledge about some of the basics of Islam. For example, we need to have a good idea about the concept of Islamic education. It is also important to know the purpose of Islamic education and the importance of Islamic education. The last thing Islam Shiksha First Paper needs to solve the 1st-week assignment is the need for Islam Shiksha. So knowing the above issues well then you have to write the solution of the Islamic studies 1st week assignment.

How to write the solution or answer of Islamic studies 1st assignment?

There are several guidelines for 2022 HSC candidates to solve the first assignment of 1st week of Islamic studies. We also have some guidelines for achieving very good results from the first assignment of the 1st week Islamic studies. If you can solve the first assignment of 1st week Islamic studies by following all the instructions, it will be possible to get the highest marks.

The full concept of Islamic teaching must be presented in the answer sheet. Also what is the purpose of teaching Islam? At least ten objective answers have to be presented in this regard.
We need to discuss what is the need for Islamic education or why Islamic studies is necessary to prevent our social degradation. It is also necessary to write the ways to get rid of social degradation and to analyze the relationship between the teachings of Islam.

HSC Islamic Studies 2nd Week Assignment 2022

Islamic studies 2nd Week Assignment of 2022 HSC Examiners is taken from the first chapter: Al-Quran. Therefore, in order to solve the second week’s Islamic studies assignment, At first read the chapter of Al-Quran very well. Also asked to analyze or explain the characteristics of the hypocrite.

HSC Islamic Studies 2nd Week Assignment 2021

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ২: সূরা আল বাকারার ৮-১০ আয়াতের অর্থ,  শিক্ষা ও মুনাফিকের বৈশিষ্ট্য বিশ্লেষণ।

Verses 8-10 of Surah Al-Baqarah should be understood very well as the solution of the second week assignment of Islamic education. Assigning the second week of Islamic studies to HSC candidates is a very easy task. Because only three verses of Surah Al-Baqarah are asked to present its meaning and teachings. That is, we have to present what we have learned from verses 8-10 of Surah Al-Baqarah. It has also been asked to mention the characteristics of a hypocrite.

Learn More About HSC Islamic Studies 2nd Week Assignment 2022

Need to know to solve Islamic studies 2nd Paper Assignment?

Students need to know a few topics in order to solve Islamic studies Second Paper assignments or write answers. Without knowing the issues well, it will not be possible to create a solution for Islamic studies Second Paper Assignment. Or it will not be possible to achieve good results. The issues are – Surah Al-Baqarah should be known with meaning. The meaning and teachings of verses 8-10 of Surah Al-Baqarah should be well understood. It is also necessary to understand the meaning of Surah Baqarah.

What does hypocrite mean? Who is called a hypocrite? What does it mean to be a hypocrite? You need to know the answers to these questions. It is also important to know what kind of characteristics a person would be called a hypocrite if he had them. Therefore, HSC candidates of 2022 need to acquire good knowledge about the above topics in order to solve the 2nd week assignment of Islamic studies Second Paper.

How to write the solution or answer of Islamic studies 2nd Assignment?

HSC candidates are given several instructions to solve the second assignment of Islamic studies. Following the instructions, you have to prepare the solution or answer sheet of the Islamic studies second-week Assignment. We will also provide instructions on how to achieve the highest score by solving or answering the assignment. The instructions are given below together.

First of all, verses 8-10 of Surah Al-Baqarah should be written in Bengali and Arabic with meaning. You can’t write in Arabic, but if you can write, you can get good marks. The verses of verses 8-10 of Surah Al-Baqarah should be presented in the answer sheet. It is also necessary to discuss what was learned from reading verses 8-10 of Surah Al-Baqarah. It is also necessary to discuss how to get rid of hypocrisy by mentioning the characteristics of hypocrites. Therefore, if the above issues can be attached to the answer sheets of the third week assignment of Islamic studies, it will be possible to achieve very good results.

HSC Islamic Studies Assignment Answer

প্রশ্নের ওপর ক্লিক করে উত্তর দেখুন:

HSC Islamic Studies 1st Week Assignment 2022 Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 1st Week Assignment 2021 Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 2nd Week Assignment 2022 Answer

HSC Islamic Studies 2nd Week Assignment 2021 Answer


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We have shared HSC Islamic Studies 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th 7th & 9th Week Assignment Answer. As a HSC student, you have gotten very help from our answer. In future we will share more assignment answers like HSC Islamic Studies 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th 7th & 9th Week Assignment.