DMLC Admit Card 2020 is available in our website. Those who are eagerly waiting to know the DMLC exam date are cordially welcome here and we will discuss everything related to Department of Military Lands and Cantonments exam date and DMLC admit card download process. If you still don’t know the exact process of downloading the DMLC admit card, you can follow our step by step guidelines to download your admit card. You will also get all the update information in this article. Without further due, let’s get started.
[Tapos]Department of Military Lands and Cantonments Exam Date & Time
Circular for different posts in DMLC has been published earlier and a lot of applications have already been submitted. After the processing is completed, the Department of Military Lands and Cantonments exam date will be published. As the DMLC exam date published Today, we can assure you right now. DMLC Exam will be held on 09 October 2020. The exam will start at 3.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. It is a written examination. If you pass in this exam then DMLC viva exam will held on 18 and 19 October, 2020. But keep an eye here and we will update you on any latest information from the valid source.
DMLC Job Info
Department of Military Lands and Cantonments is a Bangladesh government department responsible for managing the military cantonment land. DMLC was established on 15 August 1970 in Dhaka. There have total 15 Cantonment under DMLC. As like Dhaka, Comilla, Savar, Chittagong, Jessore, Bogra, Gazipur, Rangpur, Saidpur , Rajshahi, Qadirabad, Jahanabad, Jalalabad, Mymensingh, Shahid Salahuddin Cantonment Board. So they need more employee. In this case they publish new job circular every year. Recently Department of Military Lands and Cantonments authority publish 23 vacancy post job circular. Which post name is Junior Teacher. After heard the news all of Bangladeshi job seeker are very happy. They are planning for online application. In addition candidate prepare yourself for examination. Finally DMLC publish the exam notice. Now time for show candidate performance.
[Tapos]DMLC Admit Card 2020 Download Method
If you have already applied for the DMLC exam, you might want to download the admit card before the exam. But many of you don’t know the exact process of downloading the DMLC admit card. So, we have come up with step by step guidelines so that you can download the admit card easily.
Please read the following steps carefully and you will find how to download DMLC admit card. If you face any problem then comment us. We try our best to give solution. So let’s begin.
[Tapos]- Go to
- You will find a page to download the admit card in your browser window.
- Write down your User ID and Password.
- Click on the Submit Button.
- You will see your admit card is ready for download.
- Download the admit card from there.
- Print the downloaded copy of the admit card.
DMLC Admit Card 2020 Notice
Final Word
Hope you have got the information you were seeking for the DMLC exam date and DMLC admit card download process. For further information, don’t forget to follow us as we will update any further information for your convenience. Now it is time to concentrate on your studies and be prepare for the exam. Hope this exam will bring success to you.