Class 6 16th Week Assignment 2021

Class 6 16th Week Assignment 2021 Question and Answer. The assignment was finally published in the 16th week of class 6. In the meantime, schools and higher secondary colleges have been opened. Assignments are still ongoing. This assignment has been published today in continuation of this. If you want, you can collect the answers of the 16th week assignment of 6th class from this page. If you want, you can download the 16th week assignments of 6th class. This will make the solution of your assignment easier and more accurate. We will discuss the 16th week assignment sample answer for you in class 6 here today. And I will explain in detail how you will solve these. So let’s discuss today’s topic in detail.


Class 6 16th Week Assignment

We have consistently discussed the answers to the assignments in the 16th week of class 6. So that the 16th assignment of the class 6 is practical and lively. In the 16th assignment, English is first for you and Bangladesh and Global Studies are the two subjects. If you want to get good results from assignments, read this topic carefully. And follow. There are many of you who are looking for a 2021 solution for the 16th week of the class 6. But you can’t find the best assignment for the 16th week. We have this post for them today.


Class 6 English 16th Week Assignment 2021

Those of you who are class 6rs in 2021 must know how important English is. That important topic has been included in the 16th week of class 6. We can usually understand by testing English proficiency to estimate a student’s merit. That is, proficiency in English is very important. For the class 6 students of 2021, questions have been prepared from the English book Unit-5 Bangabandhu and Bangladesh in the 16th week. Where you have to answer the following assignments.


Covid-19 has been the most difficult headache for the whole world. Vaccine against Covid-19 has just come out and not available for all. During this, health and hygiene are very crucial issues. Now, write an assignment including the following points:

  1. a) What is Covid-19 and what are common symptoms of it?
  2. b) What is the Covid situation in Bangladesh (number of infections, death, recovery) so far?
  3. c) What should we do to prevent Covid-19?
  4. d) What traditional medication could be considered as precautions? Write 150 words.

Class 6 English 16th Week Assignment 2021


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Class 6 Bangladesh and Global Studies 16th Week Assignment 2021

Bangladesh and Global Studies have been selected as English for the 16th week of 2021 in the class 6. The issue of Bangladesh and Global Studies is related to Bangladesh and the world. For good reason, its content has been determined internationally. The content of this assignment has been taken from Bangladesh in the global geographical area of ​​the third chapter of the textbook. You need to make a poster about the importance of the Sundarbans as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition to describing each subject in the poster, his picture should be collected by hand from one source or another.


Class 6 Bangladesh and Global Studies 16th Week Assignment 2021


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